Friday, 27 March 2009

A beautiful morning

Where we are staying could be off a film set. We had rain yesterday, but today is absolutely gorgeous. I'm eating breakfast watching Mr Tambling play ball in the churchyard, dodging the tomb stones. We have just packed Huw and Angela Williams' daughter on to her school bus - the yellow bus actually collects from the kids' houses. Now that's an idea!


  1. Hello Laurence please don't forget to use your brown inhaler. Have a good day and enjoy the Concert this evening looking forward to hearing all about it xxxxx

  2. Hi

    Marcus tells me he is having a great time (how could he not!). Good luck for the Concert tonight. Any chance someone could use Marcus' camcorder and catch a few highlights of the Concerts for us unlucky ones at home?
    Take care have fun Lorraine

  3. Charlie, Mum's on her way, should be on the plane now from Heathrow and really looking forward to seeing you, wish I could be there too but am staying with Dad, Dom and Emmy. Martha has gone back to boarding school! Miss you lots and so proud. MUTTI xxxx
